School-Wide Activities
In addition to the special events that are particular to specific age groups the children enjoy school-wide celebrations that enrich their awareness of the school community. Our teachers collaborate to create Fitness Fun Day, Creative Arts Day, Dr. Seuss Week, and our special version of the Olympics. The children travel from classroom to classroom with their teachers to participate in activities related to the special days theme. Excitement abounds as they explore and discover all of the new and different activities. The season of Fall brings opportunities for outside activities such as playing in our own hay maze and joining our families as we march in our Halloween Parade and entertain them with a sing along. After the winter holidays we look forward to our Celebration of Families. We invite members of our families to visit our classroom to read a story, share a hobby, or tell us about their job.
Children Helping Children
Sometimes it can be difficult to explain to your child how fortunate they are and that there are those in their community who need assistance. We hope to give children an opportunity to help less fortunate children and their families in our community. At Thanksgiving we create beautifully turkeys with “donation feathers”. Proceeds then go to the Community Food Bank of NJ- Southern Branch. At Christmas and Hanukkah time we team with the local organization Everyone’s Children, a program that offers our parents and their children a chance to purchase a requested item for a less fortunate child. In the Spring we go outside to enjoy a Mini Relay for Life. Donations made toward this fun event go to the American Cancer Society.