Dr. Seuss is known all around the world for his whimsical characters, colorful illustrations, and captivating stories. He is an author that is beloved by children and adults, generation after generation. In honor of his birthday we have come up with a few ways for you to celebrate the memory of an author that has touched our hearts and imagination for decades.
Activities For Your Favorite Books – This list from We Are Teachers provides you with a variety of activities to compliment you and your children’s favorite Dr Seuss books! Spend some time today sitting down and sharing your favorite books then spending working on fun and educational activities!
Make Seussical Snacks – Another great way to celebrate is to make some Dr Seuss inspired snacks! Whether it’s green eggs and ham or the Cat’s hat, your little ones will have so much fun spending the day making treats to enjoy with the whole family!
Colorful Crafts – Crafts are not only fun for your little ones but can help with their cognitive development. Crafts can be used as a way for your little ones to identify shapes, colors, and build dexterity. These Dr Seuss crafts are sure to keep you and your little ones happy!
Donate A Book – If you are looking for a unique way to honor Dr Seuss, try donating some of your gently used children’s books! You can donate books to local libraries, thrift stores, or local shelters. Big book stores also often have the opportunity to donate a book with a purchase! Spread the cheer so that all children can have the chance to enjoy the wonderful worlds of Dr Seuss.
Read! – Lastly, the best and easiest way to celebrate Dr Seuss is to simply, read! Whether you’re going to the library, a book store, or your own book shelf, pick out a few of your favorite Dr Seuss classics and spend some quality time together just reading and enjoying family time!
We hope you are inspired by some of these ideas and choose to celebrate Dr Seuss’s birthday with some of his classic stories. Let us know in the comments if you and your little ones tried out any of these crafts or yummy snacks! Click share on the side of the blog to remind your friends and family to embrace their inner child today!